
We don’t just provide care...We do Care!

Julie Waugh

Julie Waugh

My name is Julie Waugh and I am one of the Residential Coordinators at United Providers. I come to this job with substantial experience in this field. I have been blessed to work with people with IDD since I was a teenager and have worked in this field in one form or another for over 20 years. I most recently worked at a Community Center Board for eight and a half years and was a host home provider for four years. I thoroughly enjoy working as a part of a team that supports people in reaching their goals and ensuring their health and safety. I approach case management with a service-minded attitude and very much enjoy what I do.
  • Respite


    Respite Care means services provided to an eligible member who is unable to care for himself/herself on a short term basis because of the absence or the need for relief of those persons normally providing care.

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  • Homemaker


    Homemaker Services are general household activities provided in the home of an eligible member when the person ordinarily responsible for these activities is absent or unable to manage these tasks.

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  • Residential


    Under Residential Habilitation Services and Supports (RHSS) the responsibility for the living environment rests with the service agency and encompass Individual Residential Services and Supports and Community Transition Services

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  • Supported Employment

    Supported Employment

    Supported employment services, which consist of paid employment for persons for whom competitive employment is unlikely, and who, because of their disabilities, need intensive ongoing support to perform in a work setting.

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  • Mentorship


    Provides necessary services and supports for individuals with adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities so they can remain in their homes and communities with minimal impact to individuals’ community and social supports.

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  • Prevocational Services

    Prevocational Services

    Prevocational services are designed to assist individuals with developmental disabilities in acquiring and maintaining work habits and work-related skills.

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